"They have conquered him by
the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony.
And they did not love their lives so as
to shy away from death."
Revelation 12:11
What started as a one-day women's event has grown into a far-reaching call from the Lord to continually testify of Him.
We're writing a book!
We desire to build a collection of stories to share with the body of Christ because our stories and your stories are HIS stories.
You may never have a microphone or a stage... and you may never want one! But you likely have journals filled with tears and coffee stains and scribbles from your children, and that is more than enough.
You have a history with Jesus.
You have a voice.
Do you desire to share of God's faithfulness? Will you testify of His goodness? If so, we'd like to partner with you to encourage others in the body of Christ.
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